store location

英 [stɔː(r) ləʊˈkeɪʃn] 美 [stɔːr loʊˈkeɪʃn]

网络  存储位置; 店铺地址



  1. Web orders can be shipped to a store or a FedEx location for free, shipped to a home, or, on eligible items, picked up that day from a store.
  2. Regular shops routinely adjust their prices to account for local demand, competition, store location and so on.
  3. A WSDL location vector is required to store the location of WSDL documents for each service obtained from UDDI.
  4. On the other hand, you would store the location of a program in the system tree, as that location is the same for all users and is potentially useful to all users.
  5. This is the right time to store the location.
  6. A much more elegant and robust solution is to store the location of a service provider in an external registry, where the ESB can look it up at run time.
  7. For this application, I'll store location coordinates in a MongoDB instance hosted by MongoHQ, which is another PaaS provider.
  8. The underlying data will be stored in a database table with a relational ID column and an XML column where the actual store location data will be held.
  9. When asked about the store's location, he said: "Google it."
  10. To disconnect linkage, remove retaining clip and pin ( store in a safe location for reinstallation).
  11. While price sensitivity may be an issue, it's more a case of companies determining the right mix of products, pricing, service, and store location, he added.
  12. Entrepreneurs from the store location to decoration, from staff training to the operating system, from advertising to marketing professionals by the headquarters of a unified business plan.
  13. Could not store your project in that location.
  14. The exec's first duty was to determine a strategy for store location, and it appears that goal has now been met.
  15. Optimal Order-Placing Frequency of Chain Stores Under Scale Economies in Transportation A Joint Decision-making of Chain Store Location and Distribution Center Selection in Supply Chain
  16. Each store location in a computer can hold a certain number of binary digits.
  17. Can be used to download a remote file and store it to a specific location.
  18. To disconnect linkage, remove retaining clip and pin ( store in a safe location for reinstallation). Specify whether you want to modify the existing settings or reinstall the monitoring features.
  19. Investigate the solutions of "Box store" on reasonable location, personalized decoration and promote the internal scientific management will help it develops sustained and healthily.
  20. Property can be used to store the location of a file to display or the address of a web site.
  21. A Joint Decision-making of Chain Store Location and Distribution Center Selection in Supply Chain
  22. Click store folder to change the location of your message store.
  23. He conveys the needed parts, with the withdraw Kanban attached, from the store to the downstream location.
  24. The joint decision-making problem for chain store location and distribution center selection is formulated as a fuzzy multi-objective mixed-integer programming model.
  25. In the fields of mobile computing such as location-based services and traffic control, moving object indexing techniques are used to store and query the location of moving objects.
  26. The main conclusion is showed as follows: ( 1) The store image of General Supermarket is consisted of store atmosphere, location, convenient facilities, merchandise and price, and service, and all of them affect customer satisfaction positively and significantly.
  27. Unexceptionally, almost all of the world famous monopoly stores choose the prosperous shopping center as their store location, and face to the high group in modern customers.
  28. We choose the nodes to download files whose heat level of searching or performance is greater than a threshold. Otherwise, in order to reduce the creation of replication and the burden of system, the nodes only store the location information of nodes which have those files.
  29. In the Location Management Strategy, use a six-tuple to describe location information of mobile objects in the system, and a two-tier model to store location information.
  30. Locations of moving objects change constantly over time. Spatio-temporal database which store the location information of moving objects should process both temporal and space data of moving objects.